Selling Your Home

Sell Your Colorado Home with Confidence

Kendra Lanterman recognizes the importance of gathering essential details about her clients' current homes and financial situations, and she often initiates this process with a phone conversation. By asking specific questions, she can obtain important information such as the current property's value and the outstanding mortgage balance. This preliminary conversation helps her prepare and "talk numbers" effectively during the first in-person meeting with her clients.

By understanding these financial aspects, Kendra can provide more tailored advice and recommendations during the initial face-to-face meeting. This approach demonstrates her commitment to delivering personalized and relevant guidance to her clients from the very beginning of their real estate journey. It ensures that her clients have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of their real estate transactions and are well-prepared to make informed decisions.

Kendra is ready to help her clients make informed decisions when it comes to selling their homes. She aims to provide a comprehensive overview of what selling their property entails, with a particular focus on the financial aspects. This includes discussing the process, the associated fees, and the expected proceeds from the sale.

Furthermore, Kendra offers insights into her “mega marketing plan,” which is designed to help her clients secure top dollar for their property. This plan likely includes strategies to market the property effectively, attract potential buyers, and optimize the selling process.

Her approach allows clients to assess whether selling their home makes sense for them and if the timing is right, ensuring they have a clear understanding of the potential benefits and outcomes of the sale. Kendra’s commitment to providing a transparent and comprehensive view of the selling process is a valuable aspect of her real estate service.
— Meet and Greet
Kendra’s commitment to helping her clients secure top dollar for their homes is evident in her approach to marketing. She recognizes the importance of professional photography in showcasing a property’s assets and maximizing its value. Professional photographs, when done correctly, can make a significant difference in attracting potential buyers and conveying the best aspects of the home.

Kendra’s mention of avoiding wide-angle lenses is noteworthy. Using excessively wide lenses can sometimes distort the appearance of rooms and spaces, potentially giving an inaccurate representation of the property. By using the right photography techniques and equipment, she ensures that her clients’ homes are presented in the best possible light to potential buyers.

This attention to detail and commitment to presenting a property in the most appealing way is part of her strategy to help clients achieve the highest possible selling price for their homes.
— Market Prep
Kendra employs a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote her clients’ properties. This strategy involves listing the property on multiple platforms, including the MLS (Multiple Listing Service), creating and distributing flyers, using signs to attract local attention, organizing open houses, and launching marketing campaigns. This multi-pronged approach is designed to maximize the property’s exposure to potential buyers and increase the chances of a successful sale.

By leveraging various marketing channels and techniques, Kendra ensures that her clients’ properties receive widespread visibility in the real estate market. This approach is aimed at attracting a broad range of interested buyers and ultimately helping her clients achieve their selling goals.
— Congratulations, You Are Now OFFICIALLY on the Market!
Kendra understands the importance of conducting showings to attract potential buyers and generate offers. During this phase, licensed agents and their clients have the opportunity to view the property. Kendra’s objective is to maximize exposure and create a competitive environment where multiple buyers express interest.

By allowing as many qualified buyers as possible to visit the property, Kendra increases the likelihood of receiving multiple offers. This competition can potentially result in better offers for her clients, as buyers are motivated to make competitive bids to secure the property.

Kendra’s approach emphasizes creating a dynamic and favorable environment for her clients during the showing process, ultimately contributing to a successful sale at the best possible terms.
— Let the Showings Begin
Kendra Lanterman guides her clients through the process of reviewing offers on their property. Once offers are received, she helps her clients assess and select the offer that best aligns with their needs and preferences. If necessary, she can also facilitate negotiations to modify the offer terms to better suit her clients.

This step is critical in ensuring that her clients make informed decisions and secure the deal that is most advantageous for them. Kendra’s expertise in offer evaluation and negotiation is a valuable resource for her clients as they work toward their selling goals.
— Offer Review
Kendra places great importance on teamwork and effective communication throughout the real estate transaction process. She sees her clients as active participants in the journey, and together, they work as a team to meet each deadline and accomplish their goals.

Communication is a key element of this collaboration, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and informed at every step of the way.

As they progress through the various phases of the transaction, from inspections and appraisals to financing and closing, Kendra’s emphasis on teamwork and open communication helps her clients navigate any challenges or issues that may arise. The reference to “moving boxes” likely signifies the final step in the journey when it’s time for her clients to move into their new homes. Kendra’s support and guidance continue until the process is successfully completed, reflecting her commitment to providing a seamless and positive real estate experience for her clients.
— Congratulations, You Are Officially Under Contract!
Kendra Lanterman’s ultimate goal is to make the real estate process as smooth and stress-free as possible for her clients. Once all the necessary steps have been completed, and the transaction is ready to close, she helps her clients with the final signing and celebration. This signifies the successful completion of the real estate transaction, and her clients can now celebrate their new home or the successful sale of their property.

Kendra’s approach is to simplify the process, handle any complexities, and ensure that her clients can enjoy a seamless and enjoyable experience as they move forward with their real estate goals.
— Closing

Ready to Sell Your Home? Let’s Chat!